
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MEMORY IS A PRICELESS GIFT=> >>planet earth twilight years<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XEROX PACKET JUST ARRIVED of DOCUMENTA of our CALIF. LIFE- carol oltens piece/london lecture ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5 PHOTOS=THE BEST FRIEND OF MY YOUTH IN BATON ROUGE LA. copies of xerox copies thru time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GRATITUDE TO HELEN LALA OF > new orleans=>ron eden's< aunt ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SAFARI TO SANTA BARBARA => fabulous lost horizon book shop marianne's 2012 college reunion Inbox x


           >to my deceased oldest friend<
           >ron eden and aunt helen lala<
                >and nephew randy lala<

                  >copies of xerox copies<
                    >of my life in design<
                  >memories awakened<
               (>chief historian for lajolla<)
                   +LECTURE IN LONDON+
            (>architecture association flyer<)
               +LECTURE IN LOS ANGELES+
            (>southern ca. inst. of arch. flyer)

                        +OLDEST FRIEND+
           >i hope that all of you reading<
                  +"MIDNIGHT MUSING"+
       >have an old friend from your youth<
                  +AS NOBLE A HUMAN AS+
                         +RONALD EDEN+
             >who once printed a book on<
               >my life for the fiftieth year<
                  >of our st. anthony class<

                   +PHOTO #1) TONIGHT+
      >is my portrait of ron eden who lived<
          >in the same house all of his life<
                  +1948 HUDSON HORNET+
           >i remember so well was the star<
              >posession of the eden family<
                   >parked in the driveway<
                  +THE CAYMAN ISLANDS+
            >was the source of ron's father<
                         +NEW ORLEANS+
            >was the source of rons mother<

                +WE ALL LISTENED TO THE+
                    +NEW YORK YANKEES+
         >on armed forces radio broadcast<
             >from new york at high noon<
                     +THE EDEN FAMILY+
                    ! +W O N D E R F U L + !
          >the war was over and i just saw<
                       (+BATON ROUGE+)
              >that ufo over our house in<
                     >new dayton place<
                    >tonights documenta<
                      >you played a role<
             +FROM THAT DAY FORWARD+
        (>looking back on it is like viewing<
            >a film about someone else<)
                      +ONLY AN AGENT+
           >we leave for santa barbara this<
                 >a.m. looking forward to<
              +MARIANNE'S OLD FRIENDS+

          >like ron eden & our old gang at<
               +SAINT ANTHONY SCHOOL+
               +YOU MY SPECIAL FRIENDS+
                       >amazed on our<)
                >+P L A N E T + E A R T H+<

                  gene ray, lajolla, california

                >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

-----Original Message-----
From: Eugene Ray
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 1:39 AM
To: Eugene Ray

Sent from my iPhone
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