
Monday, October 1, 2012

           >blueprint background for color<
         >rendering with prismacolor<

                      >G R A T I T U D E+
        >again to david fobes for his great<
          >effort to aid my ability to show<
              +MY WORK TO THE WORLD+
                   > (search)<
                 +HISTORICAL MOMENT+
         >and find the new web/blog spot<
               >dave has arranged for me<

                       +GRAND VISION+
          >although my art & architecture<
             >archive is destined to go to<
                      >(california work)<
                       >(louisiana work)<
        >i have arranged to have dave act<
          >as my living agent when i go to<
                 +ANOTHER DIMENSION+
          >thus an expanded generation of<
           >publication and exhibition can<
                      +CARRY THE WORK+
              >into the many years ahead<

            +I HAVE A VAST ARCHIVE OF+
                      >plus notebooks<
                           >letters etc<
                    >in addition to the<

          >as many of you who have known<
             >me for a very long time know<
                     +MIDNIGHT MUSING+
               >has attempted to show the<
                    >historical roots of my<
                           +O E U V R E+
           >france, switzerland, italy, spain<
                        +BLOOD LINKS+
               >england and new orleans<
                 +ALL PLAY VITAL ROLES+

      >mexico, haiti and french west indies<
                      +SPIRITUAL LINKS+
       >are also very inportant as is distant<
                            +J A P A N+
        (>i have not written recently about<
                >the admiration i have for<
                       +HAIKU POETRY+
                       +RYOANJI & ISSE+
                    +BASHO & HOKUSAI+
                     +LAFCADIO HEARN+
           >but alumni know this was vital<
                >to my work and teaching<)
                      >moonlight nights<
               +IN THE SANSOUCI FOREST+
           >these topics shall be in future<
           >as shall my great surreal photo<
                 >friend from new orleans<
                    >google for his vision<

        >thanks to friend john h. lawrence<
          >who we shall see in new orleans<
                >at the end of this month<

                    +TONIGHTS PHOTOS+
          >five images dave photographed<
                           +V A R I E T Y+
           >of my architecture in california<

          #1)&#4)   +INVENTION+
           >blueprint background for color<
              >rendering with prismacolor<
                      +RADIANT QUALITY+
        >two renderings of my designs with<
            >prismacolor on blueline print<
                >using a lithographic neg<

           #1)&#5)  +VERSATILITY+
            >the first a "low tech" solution<
                >the second a "high tech"<
           >with radiant optional sleeping<
             >under openable roof domes<

         #3)          +REALIZATION+
     >although my major teaching thrust<
        >was for cutting edge research of<
         >to improve the art of advanced<
        >i answered all invitations to build<
                +"YOGURT ENCOUNTERS"+
            >for larry uruttia (mfa/ed) was<
                 >one of those invitations<

            +NOTE : MARIANNE & I GO TO+
                    >annual gathering of<
                        >her classmates<
                     >we shall be gone for<
                             +FOUR DAYS+
                gene ray, lajolla, california

               >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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