
Monday, September 30, 2013

POTENTIALS OF THE PROFESSOR / honor to prof lyn yun

>invitation for my role as a professor came<
>to me by telephone after five yeats of<
>and building in the pine forests nortth of<
>plantation of our degruy ancestors<
>fills my heart as i look back on the<
>honor and opportunity this gave<
>me to link w/ the cosmos<

>of advanced thinking and the contents<
>of my library became important to<
>our modus operandi at a very<
>i dedicate this blog to our friend<
>professor Lyn Yun profound<
>master of chinese Feng Shui<

                                                                 +FILM & SLIDES+
                                               >became essential in my ability to express<
                                                >concepts to our students and ultimately<
                                                      >to audiences around the world<

                                                               +RADIANT DESIGN+
                                              >electromagnetic energy structures emerged<
                                              >as a vital increment of our design research<
                                                    >is a very exciting opportunity to<
                                                    >build more profound structures<

                                                      +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+
                                                >emerged based on biomorphic, biotronic<
                                                 >tensile light weight structure radiant w/<
                                                    >energy and transcendent manifests<

                                                         +ANNUAL EXHIBITIONS+
                                               >constructed at SDSU expressed our work<
                                                >to students, faculty and general public<
                                                >and lectures around the world spread<
                                                 >our work to international audiences<
                                                     >w/ profound advanced interest<

                                                          +WINNING CONCEPTS+
                                                >by many of our environ design students<
                                                      >drew much attention to our work<
                                                    >in this case Arthy Rangswamy and<
                                                      >Beatrix Hochberger Brekke gave<
                                                         +honor to our environ design<

>in the chinese format of feng shu linked<
>w/ our st. bernard research in france<
>of feng shui is the very energy of<
>(electromagnetic energy)<
>i invited professor Lyn Yun famed<
>Feng Shui master of Berkeley<
>to make his presentation<

>interfaith chapel was the setting for<
>a memorial to professor Yun<
>who died in august 2010<
>drums, cymbals and a gong<
>celebrated his radiant life<
>five friends<
eugene ray, mfa, architect
professor emeritus, sdsu

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