
Sunday, July 28, 2013


                 +LA JOLLA  WAS OUR JEWEL+
                 >it radiated light, negative ions<
                     >and grew red bungalows<
          >for Marian my first wife of 48 years and<
                >Derek, Bronwen And Lesley our<
                     >wonderful radiant children<

         >lajolla to our small family of immigres was<
            >nothing short of paradisal and we lived<
                            +BONAIR ST. 1970+
               >in rented, crowded apartments just<
                  >to be in the middle of radiance<

                        +SDSU WANTED ME+
            >they waited two years while I earned<
                >a master's degree at Tulane to<
                    >go w/ my architect's license<

                        +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
            >metaphysical art was the child of love<
                >of art, place, family, and need to<
                            +PHOTO XEROX+ 
                   >relate this to family & friends<
                        >back in New Orleans<

  #1).                   +RADIANT LIGHT+
            >on weekends we lived on the beaches<
              >and the beach people were different<
                 >they soaked up the the essence<

  #2).                      +SKETCHES+
            >in addition to Leica Photos were vital<
              >records of our radiant cove beach<
                        +HUNDREDS MADE+
                  >place and people ambience<

  #3).                     +EXHIBITION+
           >in 1997 I mounted an exhibition of my<
             >love for lajolla and it's bungalows at<
                          +PAUL MULLINS+
               >I showed several designs for the<
                >that grew from Arcadian milieu<
                    >(that grew the bungalows)<

  #4).                    +SILVER SHIP+
            >our home and studio was the star of<
             >that exhibition and reflects my love<
                         +EXHIBITED TEN+
                  >for the Arcadian Syndrome<

  #5).                      +MARIAN+
           >loved Lajolla and the Arcadian milieu<
               >as she loved children and dogs<
             >became her favorite earthly place<
               >we went there five pilgrimages<

                       +PHI BETA KAPPA+
          >key was Marian's reward for earning<
               >her bachelor's degree at sdsu<
                  >after years of night school<
                +SHE WAS AS BRILLIENT AS+ 
                     +SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL+                        
             >we sold the Silver Ship after her<
              >death...She wouldn't recognize<
                  >our home it's so changed<
                   +ALL WHO KNEW HER+
                          +LOVED HER+
                  Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                    Professor Emeritus, sdsu

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