
Saturday, July 6, 2013


              (>in addition to learning about reasons for<
                      +E A R T H L Y + R E A L I T Y+
                   >remember the holographic universe<)
                  +CREATING A NEW ART MEDIUM+
                     >relating to profound revelations<
                                 +BUT ALSO+
                  +TO RECOUNT A HISTORY THAT+
                            >as I look back on it I<
                     +WONDER HOW I SURVIVED+
             >not too long ago I came out of an art library<
                 >in the heart of downtown lajolla to see<
                     >a bicyclist sitting at his daily post<
                               +HE STARTLED ME+
                >he knew who I was in relation to events<
                   >that happened decades earlier that<
                    >opposed powerful money interests<
                                 +IT WAS CLEAR+
                    >immediately I realized this persona<  
                      >reading his daily newspaper was<
                        >our for real modern lajolla spy<

                             +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
                         >five photos reveal a story of<
                             >over very sad interests<
                  >Negative Forces in Lajolla California<

    #1).                +BELOVED FAMILY 1980+
              >photo by Dennis Wills at his original Lajolla<
                  >bookshop just after we moved in to<
                               +THE SILVER SHIP+                     
                 >( Derek, Lesley, Bronwen, Marian, Me )<

    #2).               +THANKS CAROL OLTEN+
            >the distinguished executive historian of the<
              >wrote this kind article after I was invited<
                  >to exhibit at the 1985 Paris Biannal<
                           >architectural exhibition< 

    #3).                +LAJOLLA BUNGALOWS+
                  >Photo in the collection of D.G.Wills<
            >In the mid nineteen seventies a small band<           
               >of concerned citizens worked in concert<
                       +AFFORDABLE & HEALTHY+
                         +CALIFORNIA RADIANCE+               
               >to save the earliest California bungalows<
                  >stars of affordable American housing<

     #4).              +ENVIRON DESIGN 1975 +
           >San Diego State University provided me the<
                           +ACADEMIC FREEDOM+
           >to carry on visionary research & development<
               >despite outside pressures on deans and<
                     (+INTERNATIONAL LECTURES+
                      +EXHIBITIONS WON THE DAY+)
                 >high up university officials to force me<
                   >to train draftsmen for plan factories< 

    #5).                  +GOLDEN TELEGRAM+
            >this is the historical document that broke the<
                >back of monied interests opposing our<
                      +BUNGALOW PRESERVATION+
               >Vincent Scully of Yale University was the<
                       >dean of American architectural<
             >for a more detailed accounting of the events<
                           (+7 PROFESSORS SENT+
                              +SUPPORT LETTERS+)
                 >around our uphill battle for preservation<
                           >Eugene Ray / Degruy<
                              >Lajolla Bungalows<
                            >Eugene Ray Architect<
                              +RED BUNGALOWS+
                     +WILL PRODUCE THE OFFICIAL+
                          +GOVERNMENT REPORT+
                          Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                            Professor Emeritus, sdsu                          

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