
Thursday, May 23, 2013

ARCHITECTS SOBERING ADVICE> design for TORNADOS by using> RADIANT ARCHITECTURE vision ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BIOMORPHIC STRUCTURES with EARTH SHELTERING BERMS are> the strongest structures able to resist the oklahoma city disaster !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SEE BIOMORPHIC ARCHITECTURE part of eugene ray architect blog >found on the right side at top< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SEE DAVE FOBES CONTRAPTION (magic studio) as my end note !!!

                     +OKLAHOMA CITY+
           >aerodynamic resilient tensile<
             >biomorphic structures are<
                   +EARTH SHELTERED+
               >the best designs i know<

                +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+
           >has strength, economy, ecology<
              >orientation of several levels<

              >are the strongest and are<
                >seen in a special section<
                 >on the side of the blog<
              +SHELLS W/ EARTH BERMS+
                    >offer the strongest<
                      >structure i know<

                    +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
       >are a view of warped plane designs<
        >with cellular orientation offering<
            >aerodynamics and resilience<
                   +NATURE AS LESSON+
              >for strength one level less<
                >then biomorphic design<

      #1)       +RADIANT CONCEPTS+
          >seen at the steiner institute in<
            >my last european exhibition<
        >a selection of my radiant designs<
         >not far from my ancestors castle<
                   +KNIGHT'S TEMPLAR+
             >in the swiss alps at gruyere<
             >structure is seen top center<
                >and top left-the rest are<
                        +VERY STRONG+
                >warped plane structures<

       #2)           +LONDON 1994+
        >just after my lecture at the famed<
         >sir dennis crompton of archigram<
           >on my left. mary banham across<
                >widow of the great scholar<
                +"ARCHITECTURE OF THE+
                   +FIRST MACHINE AGE"+_
            >reyner banham's famous book<
                 >offers some idea why he<
              >liked our design prototypes<
                 >(ours was his last lecture)<

                    +HIGH TECHNOLOGY+
         >not just hardware but biotronic<
              >energy volumes and... yes<
               >was central to my lecture<

       #3)           +JACUMBA SOL+
     >was my 1970s design for a new town<
        >to be located in the foothills east<
                +ARCADIAN UNIVERSITY+
                  +SCHOLARS CAMPUS+
          >of san diego using warp plane<
             >earth sheltered structures<
               >(natural disaster resists)<

     #4)          +RESILIENT TENSILE+
       >warp plane roofs roll w/ temblars<
          >but return to original position<
               >like the leaves of tropical<
        >light steel lamella system framed<
                    +TRIANGULATED &+
            >roof over SDSU archaeology<
                 >dig on the s.d. presidio<

       #5)     +CELLULAR STRUCTURE+
         >nature is our best guide as seen<
            >in this large hotel design for<
                        +HONG KONG+
              >eash suite opens to a view<
                 >of magnificent beauty<
             (>chikako terada hart was my<
                >talented assistant in this<
                   >international project<)

              >resist natural disaster with<
              >warp plane shell structure<
               >with earth berm surround<
                         +HIGH WATER+
                  >plus hurricane winds<
           >requires a different prototype<
                   >eugene ray architect<
                  +DOUBLE DOME HOUSE+
                          (>photo # five<)
                      !+SLEEP IN PEACE+!

        >please see Dave FOBES Facebook<
              >reyner banham and i are<
                  >both excited by this< !
                +LASZLO MAJOLY NAGY+
                     >bauhaus radiance<
                  >typical of your talents<
                       +DO A YOU-TUBE+
                   +DEMO PHOTO SERIES+
                  gene ray, lajolla, california

                >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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