
Monday, February 4, 2013

FRENCH HiLLTOWN ARCHTYPE > castle for protection 16 century> HAVEN for artists in 19 century ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SURREAL PARANORMAL DREAM (superrealism)=french "window" PROVIDE us w/ ARTISTIC VISION >transcendent manifestations
                  +FRENCH HILLTOWNS+
                     >genus loci design<
        >are vital historical archtypes for<
         >study and metamorphisis into<
                   +P R O T O T Y P E S+
         >warm rivieras possess the magic<
                  +RADIANT SEA LIGHT+
           >alchemy (neg. ions) are at the<
                      +MATRIX HEART+
          >cagnes-sur-mer & its neighbor<
               >villeneuve-loubet are our<
                >study in south of france<

                       >later centuries<
                 +FOR ARTISTIC GENIUS+
           >dreams. artistic vision and vital<
            >creative inspiration ignited in<<
                >these ancient strongholds<

                  +PARANORMAL DREAMS+
             >are valuable in our ability to<
                  >create transcendental<
           >google : eugene ray / degruy<
                               >marian's ghost<
                                  (OCT 31, 2009)
                             >queen mary 1 suite<
                                   (AUG, 13, 2010)

               +SURREALITY IS A FRENCH+
                +MEDIUM OF CREATIVITY+

             >our first night in los angeles<
                     (+FRIDAY, 2-1-2013+
              >provided a revealing dream<
                  >of a simple practicality<
                      (>mechanical eqpt<
                         >sears roebuck<)
               +BUILDING OUR HOUSE IN+
                    +SANSOUCI FOREST+
        (>i wrote a short letter about this<
             >that might be valuable as a<
                +PARANORMAL INSIGHT+
        Hi Dave
        Here we are at the Hilgarde House a very nice hotel used
           By UCLA for visiting  professors and just blocks from
               Where Marianne grew up . Last night we enjoyed
                   Dinner at a romantic French Restaurant that
                      Revived Marianne's childhood memories.

                                  +VALUE OF DREAMS++
                  I am writing to share a dream I had last night
             It was about an important economy construction factor
                Building my first Studio House in Sansouci Forest.
                  Perhaps this would be valuable to our readers.

                              +GLAZED JUNGLE PAVILION+
                                           ( photos here )

                    Dreams are important and this one brought
                      To mind how I saved many dollars when
                          Building our sansouci forest home...

                                +WE BUILT OUR HOME+
                                 +FOR 13,500 DOLLARS+
                      The dream took place in a SEARS store
                           Where I told them I bought all my
                               MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT
                           For that 2000 sq. Ft. Studio home...
                               ( a.c./plumbing/water pump )

                                 COMPUTER RESEARCH
                The clerk brought up the 1960 costs and yes it
                   Was clear I saved many $ by buying most
                      Of the mechanical equipment right out
                          Of the SEARS ROEBUCK catalog. !
                     We even bought the beautiful curtain fabric
                         For the huge expanses of glass right
                           Out of the sears roebuck catalog.!

                                +SEARS DID NOT PAY+
                                         >please note<
                                 +FOR THIS MEMORY+
                           Thanks much Dave... All best


                   +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
          >discoveries of secret lanes in our<
                      +CAGNES SUR MER+
           >hilltown in the south of france<
             (>mIse-en-scene of ancestors<
                >jolting genetic memory<)
                  +VALENTIN & GRIMALDI+
                     +GRUYERE & SAVOY+
             >later great artists moved in<
                      +PICASSO 1946+
                 >to the ancient castles<
                    (>radiant light and<
                       >negative ions<)
                +POWER TO THE MILIEU+
            >creative inspiration is strong<
               >in these french hilltowns<
                  >eugene ray / degruy<
                     >villeneuve loubet<

      #1)        +VILLENEUVE LOUBET+
             >hilltown of the popes treaty<
                >w/ francois I & emperor<
         >seen in the distance is famous as<
          >castle for villeneuve relatives of<
                 +VALENTIN deGRUYERE+

        #2)       +CAGNES-SUR-MER+
         >milieu of troubadoers, magicians<
                    +VISIONARY ARTISTS+
          >alchemists and seers, this town<
                >is where renoir settled<
                     +PICASSO & RENOIR+
            >all had surreal manifestations<
             >enlight their work in ancient<
                        +CASTLE TOWNS+

      #3)          +RADIANT CACTUS+
        >spiritual link of cagnes-sur-mer w/<
           >the north africa coast has been<
            >to the artists/templars/seers<
                  >and gruy people for a<
                      +VERY LONG TIME+
                (>study paul klee's oeuvre<
                  >from tunis north africa<)

       #4)          +CAGNES CASTLE+
     >powerful ancient 13C citadel housed<
       >gruy grimaldi & valentin ancestors<
          >w/links vence/villeneuve loubet<
                >and antibes castle where<
                 >established his studio<
               >one of my favorite places<
                  >eugene ray / degruy<
     >"images" of cagnes-sur-mer/antibes<
                   +WORLD WIDE WEB+
          >and villeneuve loubet castles do<
           >provide expanded cognizance<

        #5)           +"LE CAGNARD"+
                 +HOTEL OF THE ARTISTS+
                   >modigliani to renoir<
         >is the ancient 13 C castle hotel in<
                (+MAY DAY CELEBRATION+
                >I SHALL NEVER FORGET+)
         >cagnes-sur-mer where marianne<
               >and i stayed in the first of<
                          +MAY 2010+
             >google : eugene ray/degruy<
                               >cagnes may day<
                        +YOU ARE THERE+
       >for an interesting visual experience<
          >google "le cagnard" google maps
             >and travel around its block at<
                            +EYE LEVEL+
                   +CASTLE HILLTOWNS+
         >possess great metaphysical power<
                      +ANCIENT MILIEU+
             >genetic memory generators<
              >deep night remote viewing<
                 >archtype to prototype<
               +POWERFUL GENUS LOCI+
                        >for visionary<

                 gene ray, lajolla, california

               >eugene ray, mfa, archtype<
                >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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