
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

VITAL BRITISH & JAPANESE links> reyner banham/minoru takeyama speakers were important @ sdsu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YOSHIKI MATSUHISA, MFA, SDSU alumnus now professor in japan ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY CLASS @sdsu was projenitor of this blog ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DESIGN RESEARCH gave us FAME for cutting edge ARCHITECTURE

                >were important to our<
                 >sdsu design program<

                      +REYNER BANHAM+
          >leading architectural historian<
                    +MINORU TAKEYAMA+
           >leading architectural designer<
               +WERE PREMIER SPEAKERS+
                           >world class<
               +CUTTING EDGE THOUGHT+

      >prof. yoshiki matsuhisa mfa/ed sdsu<
       >now professor of landscape design<
           >at a university in osaka japan<
                    +DESIGN RESEARCH+
          >was important to our sdsu/ed<
              >cutting edge architecture<

                   +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
         >research as the basis for leading<
          >edge position in environ design<

    #1)             +REYNER BANHAM+
           >leader of u.k. design research<
            >prof. of arch, u.c. santa cruz<
          >was probably the most admired<
              >architectural historian and<
                 >speaker of our years at<
                   >san diego state univ<

    #2)        +THEORY CLASS=SDSU+
       >reyner gave a major evening public<
          >lecture at sdsu and this seminar<
              >in my environ theory class<
             +THEORY & DESIGN IN THE+
                 +FIRST MACHINE AGE+
               +OF THE FOUR ECOLOGIES+
                 (>two of his great books<
                       >google for data<)
       >reyner died not long after his visit<
            >but mary, his widow came to<
                       +GOOD FRIENDS+
              >both of my london lectures<

     #3)          +MINORU TAKEYAMA+
           >leading international designer<
             >of cutting edge architecture<
        >thanks to chikako terada who had<
           >worked for him in tokyo made<
                        +SLIDE LECTURE+
             >a major public presentation<
                 >and seminar in my class<
                +MINORU ALSO EXHIBITED+
                        >sdsu/arch. show<
                  +IN "ECCENTRIC PLACES"+

       #4)            +NIKOLA TESLA+
     >mistreated bypassed technical genius<
       >of nikola tesla was typical research<
            >in our environmental theory<
                >and graduate seminars<
              +TESLA HAS FINALLY BEEN+
                         >google data<
                 +RECOGNISED FOR HIS+
                       +GREAT GENIUS+
        >the agents of thomas edison have<
            >been revealed for unfair play<
             >regarding some inventions<
                   >(international activity)<

       #5)       +YOSHIKI MATSUHISA+
          >our distinguished sdsu/e.d. mfa<
           >alum now professor of design<
               >at the university of osaka<
                +WAS THE FIRST TO SEND+
                           >thank yoshi<
                     +ME GREETINGS FOR+
                            +YEAR 2000+ !
       >yoshi's sdsu/e.d. thesis project was<
         >an excellent system of affordable<
                  +EXPANDABLE SYSTEM+
            >mass production housing with<
              >a kit of parts design concept<

               +THESE FOND MEMORIES+
                          >evening sky<
                 +ENLIGHTEN OUR LIVES+

                 gene ray, lajolla, california

               >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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