
Sunday, January 20, 2013

CORRESPONDENCE ART collage> and nola SAFARI SACRED SEEDS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NEW ORLEANS VIEUX CARRE had a powerful effect on my life/work ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SILVERSHIP STUDIO AT THE END >was a very busy mise-en-scene< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5 PHOTOS=METAPHYSICAL ART= #1) silver ship studio a busy place #2) nola safari sacred seeds 1985 #3) ranny in his nola jungle patio #4) electric voodoo machine mail #5) nola vieuxcarre mail art piece Inbox x

                >had a powerful effect on<
                        +LIFE & WORK+
      >three radiant architecture projects<
         >and much photography in the<
            >back streets gave me vital<
        >and related creole ancestors aged<
         >were prominent on many streets<
           >and family ghosts were prolific<

                 +FRESH GROWTH FROM+
                    +ANCIENT AMBIENCE+
              >was this determined "modus<

                    +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
         >in california, correspondence art<
           >and collage graphics gave me<
               >ability to stay in touch w/<
                       +CREOLE ROOTS+

     #1)          +SILVERSHIP STUDIO+
        >toward the end of our years there<
          >when architectural graphics and<
          >graphics were created together<
             >and correspondence art was<
                   >importent expression<

     #2)             +SACRED SEEDS+
       >when we went back to new orleans<
        >on summer safaris a large amount<
         >of reference books and artifacts<
                +FILLED A RETURN CASE+
           >much of this including photos<
            >went into xerographic work<
                  +ORGANIC MATERIALS+
                     >were vital essence<

                      +SEEDS & LEAVES+
            (>were brought back from five<
              >safaris to french polynesia<)

      #3)          +RANNY'S JUNGLE+
          >our talented artist/seer brother<
                    +RANDOLPH J. RAY JR+
         >in his dumaine street, vieux carre<
                        +JUNGLE PATIO+
              (>photo from the early fifties<
                   >when i started tulane<)
                 +RANNY WAS A CREOLE+
                       +V I S I O N A R Y+
                    >for expanded data<
                   >eugene ray / degruy<
                >ranny<also>vieux carre<

       #4)        +ELECTRIC VOODOO+
                          +M A C H I N E+
        >correspondence art collage cover<
        >reflects a mailgram poem i wrote<
          >about this electric art machine<
             >surrounded by vine growth<
                >in vieux carre room ruin<
            >a very old primitive jazz piece<
              >was essential to this design<

     #5)       +"FILLED WITH BLUES"+
         >correspondnce art cover sent to<
            >new orleans heritage friends<
                >john and tania messina<
                 (+PRESERVATION HALL+
              +ALL EVENING=HIS HEART+
                         +WAS HEAVY+
                  +HE WAS FILLED WITH+
                       >+THE BLUES"+<
            (>google : eugene ray/degruy<
                 >jazz workshop for more <
                       +RELATED DATA+)
                 gene ray, lajolla, california

                >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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