
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

RADIANT CHRISTMAS MEMORIES FIVE MOMENTS TO> PARADISE ! #1) silver ship= 25 years of> joy ! #2) exhibition of my> prototypes #3) first building at> 21 years old #4) goff, wright & soleri> friends #5) paris biennale>enroute in 85 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^GRATITUDE TO MY FAMILY and> FRIENDS ALONG a>LONG ROAD

          >for dave fobes and jim bourke<
             >who have been fabulous in<
                       +SDSU ALUMS+
                >their aid to me during<
                     >this twilight year<

                >moments to paradise<
      >to my family and friends especially<
        >who have helped me on this long<
                    +RADIANT JOURNEY+
             >which has been very special<

                   +MY BELOVED WIVES+
                    >marian & marianne<
                        +MY CHILDREN+
                  >derek, bronwen, lesley<
                        +MY MENTORS+
                >robert heck, robert reich<
                      >john w. lawrence<
                 >bruce goff, the wrights<
                       >fuller and soleri<

                      >i did thank them<
                 >beloved marian as well<

             +DAVE FOBES & JIM BOURKE+
                        >special category<
                   +FAITH IN THE VISION+

                   +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
               >five moments to paradise<
                  (+PARIS BIENNALE 1985+
                        >was my paradise<)

       #1)         +THE SILVER SHIP+
                       >lajolla california<
       >our home and studio earned many<
                      +TEN COUNTRIES+
           >the paris biennale was special<

         #2)        +EXHIBITION 1995+
                >the work at its ultimate<
        >the luces exhibition that year was<
            >my major color/light/energy<
                       +OEUVRE REVIEW+
               >five california villas are also<
              >including spellman prototype<

         #3)        +FIRST BUILDING+
               >two chapels for louisiana<
           >i was 21 years old when these<
                 >were designed and built<
                     >for a state hospital<
         (>karlo oivanki and don chaisson<
            >gave me my first opportunity<
              >how grateful i am to them<)
upper photo left to right, unidentified ,Eugene Ray,Bruce Goff,John Lloyd Wright,

          #4)       +THREE MASTERS+
         >top photo, gruce goff & john lloyd<
            >wright w/ my bearded persona<
            >bottom photo, paolo soleri and<
             >i in our sdsu studio/classroom<

          #5)     ! +HAPPINESS 1985+ !
                      >gerardmer, france<
                   +FIRST DAY IN FRANCE+
         >this has to be one of the happiest<
              >days in a very long journey<
                 +ENROUTE TO THE 1985+
                       +PARIS BIENNALE+

      >marian took this photo on the lake<
         >at gerardmer france on our first<
              >day in beloved france and<
              +ONLY 40 MILES FROM THE+
                   >(holy shroud coffer)<
                          +RAY CASTLE+
            >and 75 miles due east of the<
              >degruy orient chateau at<
                    +MAGNY FOUCHARD+ !
           >it took many years of research<
             >to comprehend the amazing<

                 gene ray, lajolla, california

                >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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