
Sunday, December 16, 2012

"DESERT INCIDENTS" center for study of >TRANSCENDENT UFO- SPACE TECHNOLOGY structures< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RADIANT ARCHITECTURE results from stronger biotronic design< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5 PHOTOS= RADIANT prototypes #1) desert incidents master PLAN #2) desert incidents= ELEVATION #3) center of the dawn/maquette #4) center of the dawn/ elevation Inbox x

       >for the benefit of the many new<
          >viewers of our web/blog site<
                            +1 9 4 7+
           >was the year i saw a ufo high<
            >over baton fouge that gave<
              >my life a new perspective<
               >is beyond "style"/ design<
                   >research is essential<

                +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+
     >is the title i have given to structures<
      >that use advanced design concepts<
        >electromagnetic energy radiance<
          >in spheres, cones, & towers is<
                        +E S S E N C E+
              >that is at the vital heart<

     >structures based on resilient tensile<
        >lightweight construction as seen<
          >in ufo backengineering is also<
                       +E S S E N T I A L+

                        +E V I D E N C E+
       >for the correctness of my position<
         >is abundent and overwhelming<
            >for those who take the time<
                 >to carry on research<

                         +S U P P O R T+
          >for my position can be found in<
             >the competition victories of<
               >my students at lsu & sdsu<
                +RAYMOND BURROUGHS+
         >won at lsu in "kit of parts" design<
           >an approach "ahead of its time"<
                         +LUIS ACOSTA+
           >won at lsu in concrete design w/<
             >the prize being a year's study<
                  >at fontainbleu in france<

        >design competition victories were<
           >numerous with the sweetest a<
             >full size tensile structure at<
                >cal poly san luis obispo<
                +HEAVY BOX STRUCTURES+
                  (>tradeschool mentality<
                       +COLLAPSED IN A+

                  +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
       >three designs "ahead of their time"<
          >the truth being the "times" are<
                        +BEHIND TIME+

       #1)      +"DESERT INCIDENTS"+

       #2)    >ufo backengineering and<
                     >advanced structure<
                 +RESEARCH PROTOTYPES+
           >full size structure research and<
              >development labs/museum<
              +"THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL"+
                     >by corso and birnes<
            >is a must read and is available<
                >as an e-book via internet<

         #3)          +CALIFORNIA 21+

         #4)       >center of the dawn<
       >was my design for a large ring plan<
            >shopping center using moving<
              >sidewalks w/ television and<
                    >cinema studio stages<
         >w/ views over outer ring parking<
            >set the stage for the design of<
                    +DESERT INCIDENTS+
              >note:.... i was assisted in this<
               >design by kotaro nakamura<
               +MY SDSU GRAD STUDENT+
                +NOW SDSU PROFESSOR+
         >who later won a furniture design<
            >systems competition in france<
                >setting for my win in the<
                  +1985 PARIS BIENNALE+
                   >the silver ship design<

                    >radiant architecture<
                +caused by much research<

        #5)             +BIOMORPHIC+
           >air structures in my sdsu class<
            >environs which explored new<
                   +RADIANT STRUCTURE+
              >air structure by my student<
              >mario lara now a professor<
                   >here in san diego and<
                  +SILVER SHIP ALUMNUS+
            >w/dave/chris/jack and dennis<
               >all now top professionals<
                      +FLASHES OF LIGHT+
                                >in the<
                          +EVENING SKY+

                  gene ray, lajolla, california

                >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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