
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

PENTAGRAM for THNOC friends four designs and an exhibition = responding to popular interest> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #1) FREEMAN ARCADIAN VILLA #2) DOUBLE POWER RESIDENCE #3) DESERT INCIDENTS / (UFO) #4) NOLA TENSILE ARBORETUM #5) RAY 1980 SDSU EXHIBITION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ dave and i are packing up many louisiana design drawings for= THNOC=they shall also receive >MANY CALIFORNIA GRAPHICS these five at the top of the list- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

            >for the historic new orleans<
                       (+FIVE PHOTOS+)
               >collection scholar friends<

               +NEW ORLEANS REUNION+
     >it is always a great spiritual moment<
           >to prepare for a new orleans<
           >especially when i am taking my<
                  +INITIAL GRAPHIC GIFT+
              >to the historic new orleans<
                     +C O L L E C T I O N+
           >dozens of original hand drawn<
              >architectural drawings and<
                  >some litho negatives<
                     >of california work<

                 +DONATION CEREMONY+
       >taking place at the napoleon house<
                      +FAVORITE LOCUS+
        >at a lunch on my eightieth birthday<
            >w/ genetic memory galvenising<
               >the ghosts of our ancestors<
                   > (search)<
                 +EUGENE RAY / DEGRUY+
                         +VIEUX CARRE+
          >(professional friends gathering<
             >family the next day at lunch<

                  +THREE PROFESSIONAL+
                       +J O U R N A L S+
              ( >domus/american home/<
                 +SHOWING MY DESIGNS+

                        +FIVE PHOTOS+
        >of four favorite prototypes and a<
         >retrospective exhibition at sdsu<

     #1)            +FREEMAN VILLA
          >radiant prototype for morro bay<
             >california posseses a strong<
                      +COSMIC VISION+

      #2)           +DOUBLE POWER+
                >vertical tower residence<
       >conical roof with spherical sleeping<
          >compartment provide a double<
                         +FORCE FIELD<

      #3)          +DESERT INCIDENTS+
            >california desert museun for<
                      +FLYING OBJECTS
           >my favorite prototype project<
              >which i would like to see<
                    >reach final fruition<

       #4)            +NEW ORLEANS+
            >armstrong teflon tensile fabric<
              >tent structure with spheroid<
                      +EXHIBITION ZONES+

        #5)         +SDSU EXHIBITION+
              >ten years work in california<
              +1980 WAS A SPECIAL YEAR+
                >FOR MY ARCHITECTURE+
           >we finished the silver ship and<
               >it was published in domus<
                      >the very next year<
            +THE PARIS BIENNALE IN 1985+
                  (>thanks to dave/mario<
                    >the handmade drawings<
                  +OUR RADIANT LEGACY+
            >metaphysical genetic memory<
                    +GRAPHICS WAITING+

                  gene ray, lajolla, california

                >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                 >professor emeritus, sdsu<

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