
Thursday, October 11, 2012

GRATITUDE ALL OF YOU STARS- >of life's wonderful scenario< ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SDSU PROTOTYPE WINS in 1994 all california design competion= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BIOMORPHIC DESIGN SURVIVES pacific coast storm for 1st place ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EUGENE RAY MFA=EXHIBITIONS PUBLICATIONS & LECTURES seen in 10 different countries by 1996 the year i contracted malaria in- BRAZIL & RETIRED from teaching ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BRAZILIA WAS AMAZING PLACE jungle milieu w/ modern design PAN PACIFIC ARCHITECTS world

             +GRATITUDE TO ALL OF YOU+
                  (>stars of life's scenario<
                     >see the end notes<)
               +MOST OF YOU ARE IN MY+
                    >thoughts each day in<
                       >several countries<

                   +TONIGHTS PHOTOS+
              >(many of you were there)<
                     >numbers #1)&#2)<
          >records our winning sdsu /e.d.<
         >structure prototype at cal. poly<
                    +POLY ROYALE 1994+
         >first place won after a night of a<
                      +PACIFIC STORM+
         >which collapsed the opposition<
                   +A LESSON HERE FOR+
                       +SQUARE PEOPLE+

                            >photo #3)<
                +SDSU ENVIRON DESIGN+
          >classroom/studio in early years<
             >milieu of many fine students<
              >building radiant prototypes<
                +DOMES TO BIOMORPHICS+
                   >tensile & air structures<
               >early one morning we left<
                 >in a rented bus for the<
            >looking for the chakmool and<
                 +AUGUSTE LE PLONGEON+

                       >photus #4)&#5)
                 +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+
        >early california oeuvre of my work<
        >exhibited at the aspen design conf<
           >three prototypes seen on the<
                        +ASPEN PANELS+
           >were unique at the conference<
                       +PALADIN VILLA+
         >ferro cement biomorphic w/ view<
          >designed for temecula california<
                +EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT+

          >please check out the web/blog<
            >site of my work organised by<
                        +"MR FOBES"+
              >sdsu/ed alum david fobes<
               +WHO IS DOING A SUPERB+
                    +JOB AND I AM VERY+
                        +G R A T E F U L+
                    > (search)
                +EUGENE RAY ARCHITECT+
             >will reveal the web/blog site<
                   >and several other refs<

       >a letter written to key ufo research<
           >experts about my baton rouge<
              >ufo sighting has expanded<
                      +DESIGN INSIGHT+
          >thnoc is asking for bio data and<
            >this letter can be helpful..also<
                     >is the reference to<
                  +"DESERT INCIDENTS"+
          >a ufo museum for the california<
            >desert which would be a fine<
                >cap for my design career<
                +SHALL SHOW THAT NEXT+
                     +SEEKING INTEREST+
                   +EUGENE RAY PAPERS+
          >refers to rendered prints i gave<
               >the lsu library archive that<
                     >have some original<
               +"ABOUT PROFESSOR RAY"+
     >was written by gideon ur a friend of<
      >my daughter bronwen for an early<
            >web site/<
                  (>no longer available<)
                   >gratitude to gideon<
               +OF THE 1985 SILVER SHIP+     
            >except for dave fobe's portrait<
                    >forget the images for<
                 +EUGENE RAY ARCHITECT+
            ( >most are other eugene rays<
                  >totally unknown to me< )
             +NOTE ON OCT 25 WE LEAVE+
                  +FOR 5 NEW ORLEANS+
                        +AUTUMN DAYS+

                 gene ray, lajolla, california

               >eugene ray, mfa, architect<
                >professor emeritus, sdsu<

From: Eugene Ray
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 12:16 AM

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