
Sunday, June 30, 2013


                +HOLOGRAPHIC PARADIGM+
       >may very well explain how these concepts<
                +(RADIANT ARCHITECTURE)+
         >came to my psyche via design process<
       >to the 5 apprentices who helped me build<
                        +THE SILVER SHIP+ 
        >this family of drawings were all produced<
           >in that noble structure's lighted studio<
                >thanks to your excellent effort<

                      +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
         >three projects, five drawings, all children<
           >of the ultimate of my creative ability<
                       +FLASH OF LIGHT+
                          +EVENING SKY+
               >as agent of holographic vision<
#1).                 +DESERT STUDIO+
           >rammed earth walls / decentralized<
               >conical roofed biotronic units<
         >for Diane Reed one of the most brilliant<
             >graduate students it has been my<
                      +HONOR TO TEACH+
           >like Alice Anda another brilliant light<
               >who was my student assistant<
                   >in the nineteen nineties<
           >Diane is blessed w/ enlightenment<
                         +ALICE BAILEY+
             >providing her w/ much perception<
                 (>I gave LSU archives a film<
                    >Diane made of my work<)

  #2).           +AFRICAN COMPOUND+
         >the expanded plan version of a mobile< 
           >compound for the anthropology dept< 
                   +UNIV. CAL. BERKELEY+
            >for dr.Leakey's old site in Tanzania<    

  #3).              +FREEMAN VILLA+
             >aerial view of a residence for a<
                  +NUCLEAR PHYSICIST+
        >and family at Morro Bay California<

  #4).        +AFRICAN COMPOUND+
             >aluminum walled prefabbed<
        >original smaller version of a mobile<
          >compound for anthropology dept<
                >Univ. Of Calif.Berkeley<

  #5).            +FREEMAN VIlLLA+
       >floor plan of a California Villa for a<
         >nuclear physicist and his family<
              >at Morro Bay, California<

               >all drawings by my hand<
            >pencil on Litho Negative prints<
               +COLLECTION & SDSU TO+
                   +SHARE MY OEUVRE+
                >our talented/noble alumnus<
                         +DAVE FOBES+
                >to administer my archive for<
                    >publication & exhibition<
                 Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                   professor emeritus, sdsu

Saturday, June 29, 2013


                   +OSIRUS LEGEND+
      >the great egyptian god we remember<
         >was the source of a temple built <
                     (+TREE OF LIFE+
                      +LOTUS LILIES+)
             >in Paris where now stands<
                      +ST SULPICE+
             >w/ it's famous occult links<
                (> google my essays<)

                 +SANSOUCI FOREST+
      >memories are rich with the lessons of<
         >the natural bi-product of forests<
              >was a powerful nourisher<
                 >to our daily existence<
                 >Eugene Ray / Degruy<
                     >Sansouci Forest<
                 >Eugene Ray / Degruy<
                      >Orient Forest<
                +LIGHTS OUR HISTORY+
                           >with two<                  
                  +RADIANT FORESTS+

                  +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
        >referenced to many ancient societies< 
                      +TREES OF LIFE+
          >link us to the source of our blood's<
                           +ORIGINS+ !

  #1).             +TREE OF LIFE "A"+
         >remind us that the cradle of humanity<
            >is in the Tigris & Euphrates river<
                     +VALLEY FORESTS+
  #2).              +TREE OF LIFE "B"+
               >remind us of the power of the<
                 >universe to link our origins<

   #3).       +TREES OF LIFE "C" & "D"+
          >remind us that ancient societies had<
                >a long history of travel over<
                      +VAST DISTANCE+

   #4).       +TREES OF LIFE "E" & "F"+
           >remind us that the great historian<
                    +ZECHARIA SITCHIN+ 
              >produced many books linking<
                   >Sumera to the Planets<

    #5).               +FLEUR de LYS+
           >the great symbol of French people<
                >can be traced to the cosmic<
                         +TREE OF LIFE+
                   >and linked to the stars<
                     >via ancient sumeria<

          >a must read (in addition to Sitchen is<
               +OUR OCCULTED HISTORY+
                          >by Jim Marrs< 
               >each page is dense with well<
                  >researched history/data<
                     +WUN CHOK BONG+
                   +CHRISTOPHER DUNN+
                     +DAVID CHILDRESS+
               >writings corroborate everything<
                    >leading you to the stars<
                          +GOOD NIGHT+
                   Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                    Professor Emeritus, sdsu

Friday, June 28, 2013


                   +CREOLE MEMORY+
     >the ancestral plantation as an influence<
        >in my design for the Iran library was<
         >reflecting the holographic paradigm<
              >inherent in genetic memory<
                     >by Michael Talbot<
            >says Michael Talbot is a product<        
               >of this holographic paradigm<
                    +KNIGHTS TEMPLAR+
        >genetic memory synchronicity influence<
                (+RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+)
             >in my design for circular structure<
                  >has long been clear to me<
           >did you see Jim Marrs on television<
               >two nights ago discussing the<
                  ! +KNIGHTS TEMPLAR+ ! ?
            >(ref: Gruy & Sacred Architecture)<

                    +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
            >focus on the holographic paradigm<
                 >influencing my architecture<
  #1).             +SAULET PLANTATION+
                >ancestral house in it's last days<
                 +SAULET-DeGRUY MEMORY+
        >DeGruy cousin Mary Lou Christovich has<
          >w/ the brilliant historian Samuel Wilson<
            >and others produced the great series<
                (>The Lower Garden District, vol 1<
                     >covers this ancestral house<)

  #2).             +ST TAMMANY PARISH+
            >our dear friend Robin Lobdell Beeman<
                >grew up here as her family home<
                          +POETIC MEMORY+
                   (>seen here after her parents<
                      >had left this planet earth<)

    #3).             +PAHLAVI LIBRARY+
               >front elevation rendering study<
                 >prismacolor on ozalid print<

    #4).          +SAULET PLANTATION+
              >ancestral house in it's glory days<
                  >rendering by Boyd Cruise<
              (>Francois Joseph Verloin DeGruy<
                        +3RD GENERATION+
                  > married Marie Eloise Saulet<)
                         (>they inherited the<
                          >domed sugar mill<) !

    #5).             +PAHLAVI LIBRARY+
               >front elevation rendering study<
                    >prismacolor on blueprint<
                     >Eugene Ray Architect<
                          +IRAN LIBRARY+
                        +SOLAR HEATING+ 
                >and structural glass are part<
                  >of the innovative concept <
              >Mario Lara and Yoshi Matsuhisa<
                >built an excellent model of this<
                        +PAHLAVI LIBRARY+              
                    Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                      Professor emeritus, sdsu

Thursday, June 27, 2013


    >my brand of organic architecture was unique<
       >to it's origins in the Mexican Gulf region<
           >and the influences of my genetics<
     > I am grateful for messages yesterday from<
                        +JUDGE HUNTER+
           >who I met at Melrose Plantation and <
                           +DIRK SUTRO+
            >who wrote that kind article about me<
                  >for  the Los Angeles Times< 
                      +FRIENDS FOREVER+
         >Judge Hunter had sent me a generous<
           >gift of a Cavaroc House graphic and<
                >Dirk earned my respect for his<
                     >perceptive ARTS writing<

                    +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
         >are inspired by those kind messages<
           >reminding me of our creole blood< 
              >links and my pedagogical life<

    #1).            +GENETIC MEMORY+
         >this typical New Orleans French Creole<
                     +18th C. WEST INDIES+
            >was located in the Garden District<
              >locus of several  DeGruy linked<
                    >sugar plantation houses<  
                    >Eugene Ray / DeGruy<
                     +CHARLES GAYAREE+
       >Dirk Sutro would enjoy reading the scholarly<
         >account of life on Degruy Foucher cousins<
                   +FOUCHER-GRUY COUSIN+
           >plantation published in Harpers Weekly<
   #2).                +INDIAN TEMPLE+
          >typical of the one located on the DeGruy< 
            >jungle Indian mound sugar plantation<             
                 >with Jean Lafitte associations<
                      >Eugene Ray / Degruy<

    #3).         +IRAN NATIONAL LIBRARY+
        >my design in the Pahlavi library competition<
         >I believe shows the influence of the strong<
                         +GENETIC MEMORY+
            >of Greek Revival Louisiana plantations<
                       >Eugene Ray / DeGruy<
                            +IRAN LIBRARY+

    #4).                 +METAPHYSICAL+
         >collage graphics have been synchronistic<
           >to my architectural design oeuvre and<
             >express the French tropic influence<
                       >Eugene Ray Architect<

    #5).             +LIVINGSTON PARISH+
        >Louisiana courthouse is one of two designs<
          > I made for that parish while living in our<
                        +SANSOUCI FOREST+
              >glazed pavilion jungle studio house<
                >(the other was the parish hospital)<

        >my life as an architect/professor in California<
          >encouraged the wonderful opportunity for<
                   +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+
            >designing visionary creative structures<
          >encouraged my design oeuvre to respond<
          >to genetic and regional organic influences<
                 +FRENCH TROPIC SYNDROME+
                    >Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect<
                      >professor emeritus, sdsu<

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


   >this seventh letter for Christopher Hawthorne<
          >arrives at the heart of the discussion<             

                   +AHEAD IN THE PAST+
   > like Lou Kahn , whose work I admire, looking
         >into the deep past produces vital data<
            >for profound architectural direction<          
                 +CLUES TO OUR FUTURE+
                    +ARE IN OUR OLDEST+
                        >see Chris.k Dunn<
                   +EARTH STRUCTURES+

                     +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
            >cosmic consciousness at the heart<
                  >of my design and teaching<

#1).                  +COSMIC VISION+
         >so important to the Alchemists of Paris<
           >and the lives of Lecorbusier/Degruy<
                   +TEMPLAR TEMPERED+
          >are found in the history of this ancient<
                         (>solar-lunar clock<)
            >please google for it's history that will<
                          +ANCIENT ALIEN+
               >lead us to cosmic consciousness<

 #2).                +FRENCH VISIONARY+
          >Maurice Chatelain member of the original<
             >NASA team that put us on the moon<
               >all of my cosmic research in this<
                     >must read seminal book<

 #3).                  +SWISS VISIONARY+
                    >(with the DJED pillar device)<
          >Erich Von Daniken is daily proved correct<
              >in the Cosmic links he introduced to< 
                         +HEAD IN THE SAND+
            >sleeping earthlings in his radiant book<
                   +"CHARIOTS OF THE GODS"+

  #4).               +TWO OF MY DESIGNS+
           >both Buildable Prototypes are found in<
                  >the pages of Earnst Burden's<
           >book on Cosmic Conscious architecture<
                 (>much of this is very fanciful but<
                   >All of my oeuvre is build able)
  #5).                   +RADIANT VISION+
            >this is NOT a NASA photo but instead<
                  >work from my SDSU class of<
                         >(nineteen seventies)<          
                       >(cosmic consciousness)<

                    +"OUR OCCULTED HISTORY"+
                               >by Jim Marrs< 
            >is the thorough, well researched recent<            
                    >book that in conjunction with<
                      +"THE GOD'S MACHINES"+
                           >by Wun Chok Bong<
                        +WILL PROVIDE COSMIC+
                                  >ancient alien<
                        Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                          Professor Emeritus, sdsu

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


                    +INSIDE VIEW+         
         >for Christopher Hawthorne our<
             >sdsu classes won awards<

    >attracted students from all over and<
        > many came from pacific isles< 
            +PHILIPPINES & JAPAN+
         >patrons also sought designs<
            >from me and I would do<
                 >my best to oblige<
              +SEVERAL PROJECTS+    
         >were actually constructed and<
            >although I designed them<
                       +HANDS ON+
             >students aided the effort< 
  >The magnificent tropical flower became<
     >the logo of my work and in the early<
         >days students helped build our<
              +HANDS ON PROJECTS+
       (>when students were apprenticing<
                  +BUILT PROJECTS+
          >our patrons were served free<)

                 +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
       >some of my design prototypes aided<
            >by hands on learning process<
#1).             +PHALAVI LIBRARY+    
     >competitions were also sought out and<
      >the Iran national library was one that<
               +EARNED MUCH CREDIT+
         >until the revolution caused a halt<
         >Mario Lara and Yoshi Matsuhisa< 
               >built this beautiful model<
         >from my original design drawings<
                   +RADIANT PHOTOS+
              >were techniques I invented<
#2).                 +UNISPHERE+
       >an expanded version was published<
        >in the San Diego Union newspaper<
          >Sean McNamie and Scott Burch<
                >built another fine model<
                 >Eugene Ray Architect<
        >were important to our annual effort<
             >to explore color/light/energy<
         >was researched and constructed in<
               +SYNERGETIC ENVIRONS+
            >classes I developed for this effort<
#4).                  +THE PEAK+
       >was an international hotel competition<
         >overlooking the Hong Kong harbor<
          >openable suites was adopted for< 
            >maximizing the beautiful view<
          +Chikako Terada was my assistant<
                >in this very difficult project<
#5).          +SILVER SHIP CABINET+
     >aerodyne prototype furniture was another<
       >design effort I made w/ the architecture<
            >Yieuman Yeung was the builder< 
                >of this Silver Ship prototype<
       >fills my heart when I think of the effort<
          >we made to advance architecture<
            >(several news articles note this)<
                 +STUDENTS FEATURED+
         >tonight have become professors and<
            >architects that cause much pride<
                   +RADIANT W/ ENERGY+

                  Eugene Ray, mfa Architect 
                   Professor Emeritus, sdsu

Monday, June 24, 2013


            (>for Christopher Hawthorne<
              >of the Los Angeles times<)
               >what more then just how<
               +INTENSE RESEARCH+
      >in ancient esoteric knowledge offers<
          >the background to my oeuvre<
          >architectural history provides<
             >important facts and data<

                +"ANCIENT ALIENS"+
              >television documentary<
  >the History Channel's profound program<
       >presents a key to advanced design<
               +THE 1947 UFO I SAW+
       >as a boy has galvanized my work<
          >and some reading references<
              >provide expansive insight<

                 +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
        >intense research provides serious<
                    +RADIANT DESIGN+
           >architects profound knowledge<

   #1).        +ALIEN TECHNOLOGY+
       >back engineered is found profusely<
        >in this highly researched book by<
                   +WUN CHOK BONG+
           >that holds the key to the future<
              >by going deep into the past<

    #2).      +CHRISTOPHER DUNN+
                >egypt technology expert<
           >is the most qualified engineer to<
            >provide corroborative evidence<
                >of ancient alien technology<

    #3).        +SUMERIAN HISTORY+
          >precedes Egyptian in evidence of<
           >advanced alien technology data<
                  +ZECHARIA SITCHEN+
           >in an impressive series of books<
              >provided a lifetime's research<
    #4).          +LEONARDO DAVINCI+
                >visionary architect of genius<
                 +STAR OF GRUY HISTORY+       
        >provided transcendental design concepts<                                                   
             >long before they were adopted by<
                  >foot dragging public usage<

     #5).                 +FULCANELLI+
       >research links the design of the cathedrals<
                     +SACRED GEOMANCY+
           >to the amazing architecture of Luxor<
            >and the history of French alchemy<

                      +FURTHER READING+
            >please google key words from this<
                >text linked to my writing over<         
                           +EIGHT YEARS+
             >first for GRUY family research of<
                            +FIVE YEARS+
                >all found in this easy method<
                +EUGENE RAY ARCHITECT+
                   +LEONARDO DA VINCI+
                        >(as an example)<
                  +EUGENE RAY / DE GRUY+
                          >(as an example)<
                         +ANCIENT ALIENS+
                          >etc, etc, etc, etc<

                    Eugene Ray, mfa, Architect
                      Professor Emeritus, sdsu

Sunday, June 23, 2013


                 +NATURE IS OUR BEST GUIDE+
                   >design as alchemical essence<
                     (>"lecorbusier and the occult"<
                        >Is a valuable reference<)     

                       +TUNED DESIGN VISION+
            >this letter to Christopher Hawthorne was<
               >Given a charge of ESSENCE tonight<
                     >by two Radiant Experiences< !

     A}.                 +TROPIC CONCEPT+
            >a feature article in the N.Y.TIMES about<=
              >JONES BEACH umbrellas made by a<
                              +MRS PETERS+
                  > crafts lady from the west indies<
                         (+NEW ORLEANS LINK+)
     B).                 +SYNCHRONICITY+
              .>Marianne and I had dreams tonight<
                 >that were coordinated and set in<
                            +NEW ORLEANS+

                        +TONIGHT'S PHOTOS+
             >my design oeuvre and teaching were<
                 >galvanized by our New Orleans<
                            +CREOLE ROOTS+
                 >(Photos were selected Thursday)<

   #1).             +PSYCHIC PROJECTION+
          >the Essence of my Oeuvre can be traced<
                >to our family roots in France and<
                            +NEW ORLEANS+
    #2).             +LOS ANGELES TIMES+
          >article on my architecture and teaching in<
                   >the nineteen eighties after the<
                      +FRENCH GOVERNMENT+
               >published my research in Biotronics<
                     +RADIANT ARCHITECTURE+
     #3).                 +MAYAN CONE+
            > the Mayan influence in New Orleans<
                >on my work & teaching was vital<         
                          +WRIGHT & GOFF+
               >both felt this powerful influence<
                  >fueled by organic radiance<
     #4).                +OEUVRE 1980+
             >announcement of my retrospective<   
                 >exhibition at San Diego State<                  
      #5).            +THE SILVER SHIP+
              >our home and studio in Lajolla for<
                   >over a quarter of a century<
                     >Eugene Ray Architect<
                              >Silver Ship<
                       >(corbu/wright/goff ref)<
                  +IN MY WORK & TEACHING+

                     Eugene Ray mfa, Architect
                      Professor Emeritus, sdsu<